über mich
Hello you! 🙂
Thank you for visiting my blog! My name is Jeanne and this is my place to write about anything that interests me. This means, that you’ll find a lot about health and nutrition but also recipes and probably some fitness related posts aswell. Maybe something cultural (since that’s what I’ve studied) or something completely different, whatever floats my boat at the moment.
Originally, I’m from Holland, have been raised in Switzerland and live in Berlin since the beginning of 2016. I went to university in Switzerland where I earned a Master of Arts in Social Sciences title. Writing is my passion and I hope, that this blog helps seeing through the confusing landscape of nutritional science and the impact our diet has on other areas of our world’s affairs.
I’m not a doctor though, so I can’t guarantee that all the information you’ll find here is 100% true. If this blog encourages you to think some things through again – wonderful! But please consider researching yourself, read my source links under the post and contemplate for yourself. Don’t believe me everything because everyone makes mistakes and my opinions aren’t set in stone. 🙂
If you like what I do here, please consider donating via Paypal. It would be very appreciated 😀
Oder du holst dir mein Buch.